East Coast Discipleship Program

​Imagine yourself standing on the beach watching the sunrise: you have a Bible in one hand and a spike ball in the other. The next 14 days are dedicated to growing in your relationship with the Lord and His Word, building a deep community with like-minded peers, engaging in service projects, and learning lifelong skills for evangelism. We’re inviting you to join us at 2023 Summer Discipleship Program!

What is a Summer Discipleship Program?​

Each summer The Navigators® Collegiate Ministries hosts Summer Discipleship Programs in various locations across the country. At East Coast Discipleship Program(ECDP) students live, play, study, and learn with other college students for 14 days in Harvey Cedars, NJ. Each student participates in Bible studies, evangelistic training/outreach, discipleship groups, ministry training, fellowship, service projects, and other activities during the week. These opportunities for fellowship, mentoring, guided experiences, and time in the Word create an ideal environment for students to grow in their relationship with Christ as well as develop ministry skills and leadership qualities. Discipleship Programs are operated and overseen by experienced, full-time Navigator Staff.


Program Dates

Team Leaders - May 14-28, 2024

Team Members - May 15-28, 2024


Harvey Cedars Bible Conference (Long Beach Island - Harvey Cedars, New Jersey)


$1,295 (includes lodging, most meals, and all program materials)

**Early bird pricing - $75 discount if you submit your application by December 31!

Program Director

Andrew Banks (Email: andrew.banks@navigators.org)


Team Leader Deadline: February 26, 2024 // Team Leader Application

Team Member Deadline: March 23, 2024 // Team Member Application

Navigator Staff Reference Deadline: March 26, 2024 // Navigator Staff Reference Form


Frequently Asked Questions:

Who are The Navigators®?
The Navigators® is an international, interdenominational Christian ministry established in 1933. Navigators are people who love Jesus Christ and desire to help others know and grow in Him as they “navigate” through life. Our slogan, “To know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same®,” aptly describes what Navigators do. As we befriend those who don’t know Jesus or those just starting out in their relationship with Him, we show them how to grow, and how to help others grow, too.

Our mission is based on the Bible, God’s Word. Desiring to fulfill 2 Timothy 2:2, Navigators seek to forward the grace and teachings of Christ from one believer to the next—what we call “generational multiplication.” “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others” (2 Timothy 2:2, NIV).

Today, the Navigator staff family—4,600 strong—includes 70 nationalities, 130 languages, and numerous heritages and life experiences. The Navigator family also includes those who work alongside and support our staff, whose hearts beat with the passion of our motto, “to Know Christ and to Make Him Known®.”

For further questions, visit The Navigators® website or reference our statement of faith.

Can I raise support?
Yes! After applying to the program and being accepted, each student will receive a "Welcome Packet" which includes the information needed to raise support to cover the costs for the summer. We will provide you with sample letters, donor cards, and everything necessary to help you raise support. We view support-raising as an opportunity to ask people to join with us in advancing God's kingdom. You are not required to raise support to attend the program, and can choose to pay for the cost with cash or a check instead if you would prefer to do so. However, most students choose to fundraise and end up with nearly-all or all of the program cost covered through donations from friends and family.

Where do I stay?
Students will live in housing at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference. You can checkout the conference center here.

​What is the setup for meals?

Nearly all meals will be provided by Harvey Cedars Bible Conference chefs in their dining hall, serving restaurant-quality meals.

Further Questions?

If you have any other questions about East Coast Discipleship Program, please talk to your local Campus Director, or feel free to reach out to 2024 ECDP Program Director, Andrew Banks - andrew.banks@navigators.org